Turning it in. You’ll turn in your short answers in PDF form via Canvas. Your code will be ‘turned in’ by putting it in the ~/ling334/hw2/
folder, and running the command chmod -R g+r ~/ling334/hw2/
on the SSCC when you’ve finished. Remember to list all others you worked with at the top of your assignment. Also remember that you must do your own write-up and your own programming.
For this assignment, we’ll develop \(n\)-gram models using only a small part of the Brown corpus, to make it easier to find bugs and understand what’s going on. The methods that you’ve learned at this point cannot be naively applied to very large datasets, so please do not try to run any of these models on the full Brown corpus. It might crash the server for everyone.
Creating the word_to_index
dictionary [Coding only: save code as problem1.py
The first step in building an \(n\)-gram model is to create a dictionary that maps words to indices (which we’ll use to access the elements corresponding to that word in a vector or matrix of counts or probabilities). You’ll create this dictionary from a vocabulary file that lists each word in the corpus exactly once. This file has a path specified in python as:
nltk.data.path[0] + '/corpora/brown/brown_vocab_100.txt'
This file lists the 811 word types used in the first 100 sentences of the Brown corpus and the special word types <s>
and </s>
, for a total of 813 word types. In this version of the Brown corpus, punctuation marks are also treated as words, so they are also included in this total. In the corpus itself, punctuation words are separated from other words by a space, just like other words are, so you won’t need to treat them differently at all. The brown_vocab_100.txt
file is formatted to contain one word per line. We want to create a dictionary in python that maps each word to its order of occurrence in this file, starting with 0. For example, the first word in the file is ‘all’ and this should map to 0. The last word is ‘resolution’ and this should map to 812. To create the dictionary in python, you’ll iterate over each line (which is a word plus a newline character), use rstrip()
to remove the trailing newline character, and then add the word to the dictionary mapped to its appropriate index. To do this, you’ll need to keep track of which line of the file you’re currently reading using enumerate()
After creating this dictionary, write the dictionary to a file called word_to_index_100.txt
. Because wf.write()
only writes strings, you will need to convert the dictionary to a string (using the str()
function) before you can write it. To check that you’ve done this correctly, verify in the file output that ‘all’ is mapped to 0 and ‘resolution’ to 812.
Building an MLE unigram model [Coding and written answer: save code as problem2.py
Now you’ll build a simple MLE unigram model from the first 100 sentences in the Brown corpus, found here:
This corpus is formatted as one sentence per line, with a space separating all words in the sentence. You’ll need to split the sentences into a list of words (e.g., using the string’s .split()
member function), convert each word to lowercase (e.g., using the string’s .lower()
member function) and add the end-of-sentence word </s>
First, copy your code from problem 1 to load the dictionary mapping words to indices. Then import numpy as np
and initialize a numpy vector of counts
with zeros. Finally, iterate through the sentences, and the words in each sentence, incrementing the count for each word as you go.
Q: Using this counts
vector, estimate the proportion of the word types that occurred only once in this corpus. This doesn’t need to be an exact estimate – you can do this just by printing the counts
vector and eye-balling. Do you think the proportion of words that occur only once would be higher or lower if we used a larger corpus (e.g., all 57000 sentences in Brown)? Why or why not?
Finally, to normalize your counts vector and create probabilities, you can simply divide the counts vector by the sum of all its elements using numpy like so:
probs = counts / np.sum(counts)
Write your new probs
vector to a file called unigram_probs.txt
. To make sure you’re on the right track, verify that the first probability in it (the probability of ‘all’) is 0.0004223 and that the last probability (probability of ‘resolution’) is 0.00380068. (Note that our model trained on this small corpus has estimated that ‘resolution’ is about 10 times as frequent as ‘all’! Models trained on very small corpora are very noisy.)
Building an MLE bigram model [Coding only: save code as problem3.py
previous_word = '<s>'
just prior to the for
loop iterating through a sentence, so that it gets reset at the beginning of each line, and then (2) inside the for
loop, adding a line that sets previous_word = word
after incrementing the counts for the current previous_word, word
pair. Think this through to make sure you understand why this ensures that the variable previous_word
will always be the appropriate previous word when incrementing counts.you’ll now normalize each row of the counts matrix instead of just normalizing a single counts vector. To do that, replace the line involving np.sum()
with the lines
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
probs = normalize(counts, norm='l1', axis=1)
, one per line:
To make sure you’re on the right track, make sure that the first two of these probabilities are 1.0 and about .08333.
Add-\(\delta\) smoothing the bigram model [Coding and written answer: save code as problem4.py
This time, start by copying problem3.py
to problem4.py
. We’ll just be making a very small modification to the program to add smoothing. In class, we discussed two types of smoothing in detail: Laplace smoothing, in which 1 pseudocount is added to every count, and add-\(\delta\) smoothing, in which some amount \(\delta\) is added to every count. (Laplace smoothing is thus a special case of add-\(\delta\) smoothing.)
You should modify your problem to use add-\(\delta\) smoothing with \(\delta=0.1\), i.e., pretending that we saw an extra one-tenth of an instance of each bigram. With numpy, you can very simply add 0.1 to every cell of a matrix like so:
counts += 0.1
Now also change the program to write the same four probabilities as before to a file called smoothed_probs.txt
. To verify that your program is working correctly, check that the first probability in the file is about 0.0133657.
Finally, compare smoothed_probs.txt
to bigram_probs.txt
. Q: Why did all four probabilities go down in the smoothed model? Now note that the probabilities did not all decrease by the same amount. In particular, the two probabilities conditioned on ‘the’ dropped only slightly, while the other two probabilities (conditioned on ‘all’ and ‘anonymous’) dropped rather dramatically. Q: Why did add-\(\delta\) smoothing cause probabilities conditioned on ‘the’ to fall much less than these others? And why is this behavior (causing probabilities conditioned on ‘the’ to fall less than the others) a good thing? In figuring this out, you may find it useful to look at the relevant individual rows of the counts matrix (prior to adding the 0.1) to see how they’re different. In numpy, you can look at \(n\)th row of the counts
matrix using counts[n,]
Calculating sentence probabilities [Coding and written answer]
For this problem, you will use each of the three models you’ve constructed in problems 2–4 to evaluate the probability of a toy corpus of sentences (containing just two sentences) whose path can be specified in python as:
nltk.data.path[0] + '/corpora/brown/toy_corpus.txt'
The sentences are contained in this corpus in the same format as the other corpora you’ve been using so far: one sentence per line and words separated by a space. As before, you’ll need to remove the end-of-line character and add the end-of-sentence word.
First, you’ll edit problem2.py
, and add code at the bottom of the script to iterate through each sentence in the toy corpus and calculate the joint probability of all the words in the sentence under the unigram model. Then write the probability of each sentence to a file unigram_eval.txt
, formatted to have one probability for each line of the output file. To do this, you’ll be writing a loop within a loop very similarly to how you iterated through the training corpus to estimate the model parameters. But instead of incrementing counts after each word, you’ll be updating the joint probability of the sentence (multiplying the probabilities of each word together). One easy way to do this is to initialize sentprob = 1
prior to looping through the words in the sentence, and then just update sentprob *= wordprob
with the probability of each word. At the end of the loop, sentprob
will contain the total joint probability of the whole sentence. To verify that this worked correctly, note that the joint probability of the second sentence under this model should be 4.02570898843e-26. (One tip: make sure to write to the file using the write mode ‘w’ that we discussed in class, not using append mode.)
Next, you’ll transform this joint probability of each sentence into a perplexity of each sentence, and write that to the file instead (overwriting the old probabilities). To calculate the perplexity, first calculate the length of the sentence in words (be sure to include the end-of-sentence word) and store that in a variable sent_len
, and then you can calculate perplexity = 1/(pow(joint_prob, 1.0/sent_len))
, which reproduces the definition of perplexity we discussed in class. Now, write the perplexity of each sentence to the output file instead of the joint probabilities. To verify that you’ve done this correctly, note that the perplexity of the second sentence with this model should be about 130.7.
Now, you’ll do the same thing for your other two models. Add code to problem3.py
to calculate the perplexities of each sentence in the toy corpus and write that to a file bigram_eval.txt
. Similarly, add code to problem4.py
and write the perplexities under the smoothed model to smoothed_eval.txt
. To verify that you did these correctly, note that the perplexity of the second sentence should be about 6.2 with the MLE bigram model and about 40.2 for the smoothed bigram model.
Compare the perplexities of these two sentences under all three models. Q: Which model had the worst perplexity? Would you have predicted this model to have the worst perplexity? Why or why not? Note the large difference in perplexities between the two bigram models. Q: Did smoothing help or hurt the model’s ‘performance’, as measured by perplexity on this corpus? Why might that be?